Use Cases

Factory Monitoring and Automation Hybrid Cloud and Edge Computing

Solution Summary

LSE EdgeHub i is a hybrid cloud industrial/factory IoT system that combines the low latency edge computing with high availability cloud platform. Strength of the EdgeHub i edge computing is in the flexibility of protocol handling, support for wide range of PLCs, and ability to process high volumes of data on-premise. As a result, EdgeHub i customers enjoy reduction in the cloud costs, faster production speed, and higher data security.

API AutoFlow LSE Factory Use Case


Data overload -> Upload delays, High data transmission costs

Cloud latency -> Factory devices wait for cloud response

Cloud reliant -> Production dependent on cloud availability

API AutoFlow LSE Factory Use Case


Seamless collaboration between IT and OT

Real-time control through reduced data transmission and processing

Edge pre-processing -> Reduced data transmission and cloud load

Production continues regardless of cloud availability

lse edgehub solution

API AutoFlow LSE Factory Use Case

Solution Architecture

EdgeHub-i Connectivity, Protocol Handling, Data pre-processing

Insight Factory Observability platform

Orchestrator Factory operation and maintenance platform

API AutoFlow LSE Factory Use Case

Products used

API AutoFlow On-premise
Interactor On-premise

Services Subscribed

Development Services
Solution Support Services

API AutoFlow LSE Factory Use Case

Use Case: Proprietary Protocol

lse edgehub use case Proprietary Protocol

Use Case: OPC-UA Protocol Conversion

lse edgehub use case OPC-UA Protocol Conversion

Use Case: Data Pre-processing

Use Case: Data Pre-processing

Use Case: Observability, Data Visualization

lse edgehub use case lse edgehub use case Observability, Data Visualization

Use Case: Operation and Maintenance

lse edgehub use case Operation and Maintenance

About the Customer

LS Electric (KRX010120) is a new name for LG industrial systems a leading provider of electric solutions, equipment, and systems. LSE has the highest market share in South Korea for factory automation and smart power technology products.

LSE is part of LS Group a South Korean chaebol (conglomerate) composed of LS Corp, E1 (LPG), and YESCO (LNG). “LS Corp.” is a holding company, which comprises of LS Cable & System (power & communications cables), LS ELECTRIC (electrical equipment & automation systems), LS-Nikko Copper (copper smelter & refiner) and LS Mtron (machinery & components). The company is part of the founding Koo family of LG Group.

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